Who We Are

Brand Congo is the marketing and investment advisory company that helps build the Democratic Republic of Congo’s image and reputation in order to improve its global competitiveness and to attract investments to the country in various sectors of the economy. Our main focus is to develop and implement proactive, coordinated marketing and communications strategies for the country, reach out to potential investors and partners with a strong message of hope that positions Congo as an excellent competitive tourism and investment destination on the continent of Africa.

Established in 2023, Brand Congo creates a positive and compelling image for the Democratic Republic of Congo, inviting investors to the country to explore opportunities in areas such as mining, energy, agriculture, tourism, tech, real estate, automotive, manufacturing, infrastructure development, health & education and the financial services sectors, etc.

The Democratic Republic of Congo holds the keys to destiny of the world, through its God-given minerals and natural resources. We believe in sharing our wealth with the rest of the world, all in the name of developing and advancing nations.

Our mission is to market Congo to the rest of the world as an important destination for tourism and investment on the continent, and our vision is to make Congo the dream country for individuals and businesses looking invest.

If you are thinking about investing, Dream Congo.

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